A Letter from the Alumni -- Md. Mamun Sarker
理大留学生风采|校友来信-- Md. Mamun Sarker
姓名:Md. Mamun Sarker
“My dear teachers of Dali University, I want to share good news with you. I have started my government job in January, 2020. I am so happy and would like to share this joyful moment with you. During my Post graduation I attempt to Bangladesh Civil Service of Health Cadre (39th) exam for government job and I successfully passed from 40 thousand participants of MBBS Doctor(12500 selected for viva-voce, finally 4792 were selected. Among them only the one student got chance who studied from China, maybe 600-700 hundred students appeared those who are studied from China, all are rejected from 600-700 except me) and recommended as a Assistant Surgeon of Health Cadre of Bangladesh, which is a first class gazetted government job in my country.”
◆ 从4万名临床医学专业的孟加拉国学生中脱颖而出,且成为唯一从中国留学归国后在孟加拉国卫生部工作的助理外科医生。
◆ 目前,该生在孟加拉国卡丘亚市的乌帕齐拉卫生院呼吸道感染科、急诊科以及COVID-19隔离科三岗轮换,在特殊时期,和全体医护人员一并坚守岗位,抗击疫情。
【Md. Mamun Sarker的入职典礼】
【孟加拉国国会议员出席Md. Mamun Sarker的入职典礼并向其颁发证书】
【Md. Mamun Sarker医生在抗击COVID-19疫情前线的工作日常】
More highlights & notices
- Admission Guide on 2020 Dali University Confucious Institute scholarship for international students
- Admission Guide on 2020 Dali University CSC scholarship for international students
- A Successful Visit to Cambodia and Laos P.D.R.
- A Letter to Dali University International Students
- Mid-Autumn Gala & Final Speech Contest in Chinese Language