Breaking News—DLU’s graduate’s USMLE scores top world average
Breaking News—DLU’s graduate’s USMLE scores top world average
Dr. Ram Chandra Khatri Chhetri, who graduated from Dali University (DLU), P. R. China in the year of 2014, obtained 276 points in USMLE, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) test in 2018.
The data in Table 1 shows that in 2018, candidates in first attempt from US and Canadian medical schools have average of 230 scores in Step 1, 243 scores in STEP 2 and 226 scores in STEP 3. Dr. Chhetri passed mean score in both STEP 1 and STEP 2, especially with his outstanding scores of 276 in CK, STEP 2, ranking first among all the examinees at the same time. After passed USMLE, Dr. Ram started working at McHenry Hospital, McHenry, Illinois, USA. Besides USMLE, the medical graduates of DLU take license examinations in some other countries such as Canada and the UK, and Asian countries such as India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the United Arab Emirates and obtain good grades.
Table 1. Means (SDs) First Takers from the US/Canadian medical schools
The following selected emails are from Dr. Chhetri to DLU, stating that his achievements are closely bound up with the education he has received from the University over the 6 years he studied there.
In his emails, Dr. Chhetri expresses how much he misses DLU, the 6-year study and life on campus in Dali. Besides, he also extends his heartfelt gratitude to the University for the teaching, cultivating and supporting in his learning medicine, life goal of being a good person, as well as being better prepared for the battles to be faced in life.
Some of his teachers say that Ram Chhetri is a very friendly student and has many friends. He is not only outstanding in study, but also actively participates in various activities. He was the captain of South Asian Football Team for two years and played two finals in the University’s Football Tournament.
The sincerity, modesty and politeness Ram presents through the contacts with him impress us very much. He always expresses his gratitude to the teachers and staffs.
Ever since 2005, Dali University started admitting international students major in clinical medicine, and so far 2,000 more are graduated. Dr. Chhetri’s achievements are setting a very good example for his fellow students, which will also encourage the University to further develop the Education of International Students in P. R. China.
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